How to Secure Your Website in Singapore

How to Secure Your Website in Singapore

As technology keeps on evolving, so does the nature of threats and vulnerabilities. Before learning how to secure your website, let us understand why it is necessary.

  • The frequency of website hacks has been continuously increasing in recent years.
  • These types of attacks have caused a loss of billions of dollars to businesses.
  • Security threats will cause a loss of a major portion of your traffic hampering your online presence.
  • Search engines will rank your website lower in search results if it finds any vulnerabilities.
  • Breaches in critical data like financial records and medical records can lead to potential lawsuits.

But still, it is shocking to learn that not many businesses consider security as a topmost priority. If you are from a non-technical background, hiring a web security specialist or agency can be extremely fruitful. IT Solution Singapore is one of the most reputed companies that can provide the best security solutions for your successful online presence. You can also contact them if you are looking for an exceptional web developer Singapore.

How to Secure Your Website?

  • Secure Critical Portions of Your Website With Passwords

Critical portions of your website include the backend code and databases. The backend code is what defines the architecture of your website and its performance. Likewise, databases are the places where critical information like client records are stored. Any form of data breaches in these locations will cause a shutdown of your website. Therefore, to prevent such situations, you should use a strong password. Strong passwords are hard to crack whereas an easy password can be easily decoded by brute force algorithms.

  • Don’t Skip on Frequent Updates

Operating systems and software manufacturers provide continuous updates that contain new security features to combat the most recent threats. You should never miss out on updates if you want to keep your site secure.

  • Be Careful While Interacting With Unknown Files and E-mails

One of the major sources of malware and viruses is the files and emails sent by an unknown sender. You should be very careful while interacting with such types of email messages. Anti-phishing software can restrict or block such types of email messages. Likewise, adopting a practice of scanning emails ad files before opening them is essential in your workplace.

  • Make Sure That Your Hosting Platform is Safe

As a website owner, you must have a web hosting platform that stores the overall content of your site. If your hosting platform is already insecure, using secure methods from your side is insufficient. Before you choose a hosting platform, learn about their security standards. Furthermore, make sure that they have a backup option ready in case your vital information is lost. IT Solution Singapore has state-of-the-art hosting solutions that are fully equipped with modern information security standards.

  • Use an SSL Certificate

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a technology that enables encrypted communication between the server and the client.  When you use an SSL certificate, your website changes from HTTP to HTTPS, which is a more secure protocol. This ensures the protection of the privacy of your users. Search engines such as Google consider this a very important factor while ranking your website in search results. If you are looking for a trusted certificate provider, IT Solution Singapore is the best option. They provide certificates from the top certifying agencies in the world at affordable prices.

Hence, these are some of the most common methods that you can use to protect your website. Other important methods include management of permissions for critical files and folders, regular security checks, and continuous updates of web platforms and plugins.


From this article, we have now learned the most important methods that you should adopt to prevent security threats and vulnerabilities in your website.

IT Solution is one of the best has to offer. Their expertise and experience are unmatched and their support and maintenance services are excellent. Furthermore, with their web development services, you can get SSL security for free for securing all communications and transactions on your website.

Author: Steffy Alen